Sunday, October 23, 2011


 'Make sure your words are sweet, just in case you have to eat them'.

Sound advice. And advice that I should definitely incorporate into my life. Why? Well in case you haven't noticed... I'm generally full of rage. And because I get so angry at... well... lots of things. However, what I have a really hard time realizing is that my rage often blinds me to the other side of things. I am a normally calm person... in person. However, over media communication-- my rage tends to spiral out of control until I resemble this:

So, this weeks challenges are going to be about perspective. Why the sudden change of heart? Well, I was ranting to my dear friend about #OWS stuff being totally ignorant of the fact that both of my friend's parents are bankers. I had pretty much gotten to the point where a banker = a monster in my mind--and of course this is ridiculous. My friend kindly explained while she agrees with the principles of #OWS (i.e. making billionaires pay taxes), she tends to dislike when the #OWS movement goes after all bankers as if they are all evil and responsible for the financial Hindenburg. She also patiently explained to me that her grandfather had started a small savings in loan in her state, and by the time her dad took over the company it had been one of the biggest banks in the state. She also explained how her father went without salary for years so that his employees would not suffer. Needless to say, I felt like a total asshat. Here I am comparing bankers to the actual antichrist and she patiently tells her side of the story-- a side that I'd never even considered.

Of course not all bankers are monsters. There are people everywhere who are in the corporate and financial system who are hard working, kind, generous people who are actively involved in their communities. There are even some green people in there. We can't all have organic rabbit farms-- as much as I'd love that to be the case. And I would argue that, just like the no taxes on the 1%, that 95% + of the people on the various levels of the financial and corporate system aren't making these earth shattering decisions. They aren't hiring lobbyists that deregulate safety and environmental standards. They are just people who want to live their lives. Aren't we all?

This doesn't mean I no longer believe in #OWS. On the contrary, I'm full of as much fire and brimstone as ever. However, what this made me realize is that our world is complex. We aren't just leftest hippies and corporate fat cats. In fact, I'd argue that the majority of us are somewhere in the middle. And we need to ALL come towards a slower, greener existence-- whatever that means. Because we'll get to that point anyway, and this way will have way fewer casualties.

Alright, so perspective...

Challenge 23: Take some time out to genuinely experience nature. Now, for some of us, it's about to get really cold in a couple of weeks. So, for this week's challenge I want you to spend 1 hour + completely submerged in nature. This means no cell phones, no ipods, no technology. Just you and the water and the trees. Connecting with nature is good exercise, reconnects us with the earth, and provides much needed relief for stress and anxiety. So, take a walk in a beautiful, natural spot--and appreciate the gorgeousness all around you--because not everyone has access to green spaces... And if you like it--make it a weekly thing. Make it a daily thing. The more time we spend in nature, the more we appreciate and realize the importance of nature, and the harder we'll fight for nature.

Challenge 24: Walk a mile in someone else's shoes. Now, there are some people in my life right now (don't worry-- she'd rather die than read something like this and would have no idea it's on here anyway) who drive me insane. Actually. Up the wall bananas. I never dealt well with the whole, "I'm a bitch. Deal with it" attitude, and that combined with insane unearned wealth drives me batshit. BUT. Since this week is about perspective, I decided to look at things from her point of view. I realized that I'm being too harsh. That, when I was 18, I thought some of the same things she thinks (I know--the HORROR), and that if I'd grown up with exceptionally wealthy, exceptionally protective parents who completely sheltered me from everything--I'd share those opinions as well. Raising kids is not a job for sissies. It takes a lot of work to have them come out as well rounded worldly people--especially by 18. Moral of the story is that I've dialed down my rage against this girl by about 1000 notches--and this only happened because of perspective. Because I took the time to understand things from her view. Does this mean I agree with her? Lmfao no chance in hell. But it means I understand her a lot better. Which is key. So the challenge, as it so often is on this blog, is to be an informed person and discover the varying viewpoints in a story. Take any issue, and be informed on both sides. See all the information, and then you are much more equipped to form an opinion--in addition to being able to prevent a rage blackout.

Okay! Sorry for another feelings heavy post! My best friend is probably loving this. She loves feelings.

<3 Manic Panic

PS. ENORMOUS shout out to Neptune's Nachos whose hometown had an AMAZING Climate Shift AND Tar Sands movement today. People always give Cleveland a bad rap (*cough* Lebron James *cough*) but today proved that the Midwest can be pretty effing awesome! WoOoOoOo!


  1. That's a cool story your friend told, and I agree that you and I get so full of rage and Rorschach out that we sometimes forget that not everything's in black and white. Having said that, the vast majority of big time bankers can eat a dick. And the protest was AWESOME! Unfortunately there was an "Occupy Cleveland" protest earlier in the week which turned up total nutbars, and they were at the Tar Sands protest being tools. and drunk Browns fans were being drunk browns fans, but hopefully it got the message out to people.

  2. I think it was really effective. People tend to completely dismiss the Midwest (myself included) as a place entirely unconcerned with real environmental change. But Ohio stepped it up. BIG time. And I think people definitely noticed. And as for bank rage... I don't think 5 corporations should own 85% of the world. And I don't think corporations or enormous, trans global banks should be allowed to do whatever they want and be entirely unregulated. Because all they do is eat up smaller banks. And someone who makes 40million dollars in a financial trade should have to pay taxes on that money. They don't own a business, they aren't involved in the community. If all they do is trade money on WallStreet, they should at LEAST have to pay taxes on that money. I pay taxes on the money I make at work. They should have to do the same. I'm not even asking them to pay MORE. Just pay SOMETHING.

  3. Cool post Karly. No one would ever consider you to be an asshat. We all love you too much. :) PS I'm so doing this challenge....I might even do it twice!

  4. Yay challenges! We've even got some people who've been doing them all. Pretty impressive stuff!
