Monday, October 31, 2011

I Get by With a Little Help from my Friends

Hello all,

I'm back from an exhausting yet awesome weekend in the city so this will I will be brief and be gone. The theme of this week is valuing social connections (I know, something different right?! *sarcasm face*)

Challenge 25: Spread a little love (not that kind of love. I mean, you can, but that's not the point of the challenge) to the people in your life who mean something to you, and think about what you'd be willing to do for those people. I love my family and friends, and this weekend made me truly appreciate the value of friends who are willing to listen to you and help you work stuff out. Now, since we all love our friends, we want them to have clean drinking water/food/air. So check out these links:

Fight for your water:

Fight for your air quality:

Fight for your food quality:

(I hate Exxon today, just in case you couldn't tell. As my bff Bill Mckibbon says, they don't own the sky)

Challenge 26: Embrace public transit and smart city spaces. I couldn't explain how wonderful it was to be able to get places without a car. Truly glorious. Trains, streetcars, buses, you name it. I find myself amazed as usual. So, this week, take public transit. People watch. Interact with other humanoids. Humans need other humans to be fully functioning. And suburbs have a terrible habit of socially isolating people. It's all the disadvantages of a city and all the disadvantages of the country combined. So, if you live in a city--embrace it. And if you don't -- visit it. Or if you live NOWHERE near one--do something extremely social so you get a similar experience.

Okay I'm done. This weeks challenges are a little short and sporadic--but I'm on caffeine OD over here--so forgive me.

<3 Manic Panic

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