Saturday, December 17, 2011

The Dragon Awakens: Rioting for Austerity

Alright, so this isn't a green challenges post. I'm going rogue here. 

And I'm about to propose something crazy. The green challenges will continue. But, I'm about to propose something more. Something that will go the extra mile.

But if you guys are on board, I guarantee this will be one of the greatest things you ever do.


Okay, here goes.

Mark your calendars for February 15th because I'm proposing: 

The Riot for Austerity:

The principle behind the riot for austerity is that first world nations must reduce emissions 90-95% as quickly as possibly in order of us to avoid deathly climate change in the future. And not just 'life is inconvenient' climate change but 'there is no more life at all on this planet' climate change. Seriously. I'm not exaggerating or making this up--climate change is a really serious threat and if we don't act right now the entire 7 billion population of the earth, and all other significant life, will be dead by 2200. We have the technology to fix it. We *can* fix it in the long term. But it will take necessary sacrifice and effort.

For evidence that speaks to this, please check out David Roberts' 3 latest posts for Grist




So, what does one do for the Riot for Austerity? Well, it breaks down into 7 different categories:

1. Gasoline
2. Electricity
3. Heating and Cooking Energy
4. Garbage
5. Water
6. Consumer Goods
7. Food

So, the idea is to limit your consumption by 90%. Now, if you are already a way less consumer, it isn't 90% of that, it is 90% of the Average American Household. So, to break it down, in a nutshell you should be aiming for the following:

1. Gasoline: Average household is 500 gallons per person/ per year. So, the target would be 50 gallons per person/per year. For all of us Canadians, that would be down to 190 liters per year. If you take transit, that counts too. Please keep in mind that public transit works at 100 miles per gallon.
2. Electricity: Average kilowatts are 11,000 kilowatts per household, or 900 kilowatts per household per month. So this should go down to 90 kilowatts per household, per month.
3. Heating and Cooking Energy: This one is tricky, and I'll have a separate post expanding on this later. Needless to say where you get your energy will dictate this one. If it's all electric, it goes to the electric average. If it's natural gas/wood, there are different measurements. More to follow on this one.
4. Garbage: Average is 4.5lbs of garbage per person per day. (Which as an aside is fucking DISGUSTING on every, every level). So the aim is 0.45lbs of garbage per day.
5. Water: Average is 100 gallons of water per person per day (Read: VOMIT). So the aim is 10 gallons per person, per day.
6. Consumer Goods: This one is also tricky. The average American household spends 10,000 on 'stuff' every year (yes, you read that correctly. Also read: vomit). So, in a household of 4 (which is the average), that's 2500 dollars a year. So, the new aim is 250 dollars a year. Now, this one also has a bunch of stipulations (if you get it used, you only count 10% of the price. So a 100 dollar used couch only counts for 10% of your budget. Donated goods i.e. Goodwill are also free).
7. Food: This essentially comes to eating organically and locally. Reducing your emissions means having 70% of your diet be locally made (less than 100miles) food. 25% should be bulk goods shipped in huge containers to maximize efficiency. 5% can be conventionally grown foods, processed foods, etc. Right now this last category makes up 65% of a person's diet.

Wow. So, that's the pledge. I plan on doing it as best as I can, aiming for 95%. I will be posting separate pieces on each of these categories so I can go into further detail about it.

Now, for those of you who think that is too radical, I propose the 30% solution. So, most of the climate scenarios would suggest that we have until 2015 to hit peak emissions. So, I say we hit them earlier rather than later. I say we make 2011 our peak emissions year. If you want to still make a difference, and not go the full 90% right away, may I purpose the 30% solution? Reduce your emissions 30% every year, for 3 years. It's a longer timeline, more manageable, and still has your emissions down by the time we need them down.

Now, for a quick list on how to reduce your emissions, I propose the following (please note that the numbers of amounts of carbon that you'll save going into the air):

Major improvement in your home's insulation 0.4
New boiler if yours is more than 10 years old 0.3
Cavity wall insulation 0.3
Double glazing if you don't have it 0.2
Solar hot water 0.2
Increase loft insulation, seal doors
and skirting boards, etc 0.2
Better controls for boiler, hot water tank
and radiators 0.2
Buy a wood-burning stove 0.2
Reduce your thermostat temp by 1 degree 0.2
Heat one less room 0.1
Slow-flow showers, not baths 0.1 

Install 2 kilowatt solar PV panels 0.4
Buy a new A++ refrigerator if yours is more than 4 years old, and only use a small-screen TV 0.1
Use LED or fluorescent lights where you currently have halogen lights installed 0.1
Buy an automated system to turn off appliances when not in use; get a meter that shows actual energy use and use it to monitor your household 0.1
Only use your washing machine and dishwasher
when full to capacity and at lowest temperature 0.1
Never use the tumble dryer 0.1
Get rid of the freezer if you can, and replace your small appliances with "eco" varieties 0.1

Cut your annual mileage in half 0.7
Sell the second car 0.7
Buy a new car with emissions in car tax bands A or B, then scrap the old one 0.5
Join a car club or set up an effective local car-sharing scheme 0.4
Share car to work 0.3
Go on a day's eco-driving course, fit low-resistance tyres and check air pressure every month 0.2
Don't ever use a car for shopping. Buy online 0.1
Work from home one day a week rather than commuting by car 0.1

Never fly 1.2
Restrict yourself to one short-haul return flight a year on a carrier with a fuel-efficient fleet 0.3

Buy secondhand mobile phones and ensure that three of your electronic devices are recycled 0.3
Keep your electronic devices (eg phones, TVs, computers, DVD players, games machines) one year longer than you would have 0.2
Switch from a desktop computer to a laptop at home, and recycle the desktop 0.1

Go vegan three days a week 0.5
Change to an almost entirely vegetarian diet, using mostly unprocessed wholefoods such as grains, seeds and nuts 0.5
Never buy processed food or ready meals 0.2
Buy more carefully and never throw food away 0.2
Grow all your own fruit and vegetables for July, August, September 0.1

Buy 50% secondhand clothes 0.3
Reduce purchases by a more than a quarter compared to last year (eg buy four new T-shirts not the UK average of seven) 0.2
Buy only manmade fibres 0.2
Focus on new fabrics made from bamboo, hemp or other cotton substitutes 0.1

Install a 'grey water' recycling system to take water from your washing machine into your lavatory 0.1
Use showers, not baths. Install a flow-reducing aerator for the shower head 0.1
Regularly use soap, a basin of water and a sponge instead of a shower 0.1
Buy ultra-low water use cisterns, new water-saving dishwasher, washing machine. Recycle old ones 0.1
Install – and carefully monitor – a water meter. Put bricks in all the loos to reduce water. Carefully recycle all waste, compost all organic matter 0.1
Install a composting toilet 0.1

Cycle everywhere 0.3
Always use coaches instead of the train 0.1
Work from home two days a week instead of taking public transport to work 0.1

Only buy newspapers, magazines, books, toilet paper and copier paper made from recycled materials 0.1
Block direct mail, choose electronic bills and statements, buy secondhand books and share papers 0.1
So, that's the 30% challenge in a nutshell. 30% in 2012. 30% in 2013. 30% in 2014. Down 90% emissions by 2015. Work on where you can work on, and everything else you can focus on next year. The transit thing is HUGE. You never realize how much gas we really use until it's all spelled out like that.

Now, I need (well, would like) to know who is on board for this. I'm talking feedback, ideas, tips, etc. The only way we can stop this thing is with extreme personal + political action. If we can get as many people as possible to reduce emissions, then it makes it socially acceptable to reduce emissions. Stop cutting people who are bad to the environment slack--they don't deserve it.

And as an aside, the green challenges will continue on a weekly basis, and I'll do a austerity update every week as well. And if anyone wants to blog about their experience... feel free! 

We are in this together. We are about to face a serious tragedy of the commons if everyone doesn't start the steps now to reduce emissions. The situation is dire, because we let it get that way. We're still going to face a really difficult coming century, but with some clear and fast action now--hopefully we can still be around in the centuries after that.

As an aside, none of this comes without it's share of political activism. Want better transit? DEMAND IT. You pay taxes, you are a citizen of this world, and you have to right to demand it. Now, you have to do your share too. But we need to fight for family planning access to control population, we need to fight for clean, renewable energy, and we need to be willing to pay for it all too. So you spend more money going off grid and can't buy a new TV for Christmas? Who cares. Corporations exist for you to buy stuff, and they don't care wtf happens to anyone as long as they have money. So, I guess the point is, you can't really be a 'green' person at all unless you walk the walk AND push politically. I'm not saying get arrested. I'm saying get informed, vote, and make your voice heard in a non screaming, eloquent way. The powers that be would love it if we kept being entirely dependent on oil. Both the American and Canadian governments are 100% in the pocket of big oil. They don't care, whatsoever, about you. They really don't. Take back your democratic right and stop being a fucking pussy, is my point (sorry, the rage slipped out). 

I will be posting on how to prepare for this in the coming weeks. Launch date for the riot is February 15th, 2012. This gives everyone lots of notice so they can start getting ready.

I hope you join me on this journey. I really do. Please, please, please, email with any questions/comments/concerns.

Endless <3


'You gotta give em hope'

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