Monday, September 12, 2011

Nobody said it was easy...

Okay everyone, I'm feeling a little blue this week so I'll just hit you with some challenges before I am on my way.

Challenge 11: Be the ant. Know that old story of the ant and the grasshopper? How all summer long the ant works hard to prepare for the winter, and the grasshopper is all like, 'whatever man, preparing for the future is for wussies', and then the grasshopper faces certain death while the ant is all like, 'lolz, told you!'? Well, the challenge for this week is to be the ant. Most of us are in the throws of harvest season, and the challenge is to take advantage of that! Preserve some food, so that in the winter, when you suddenly go, 'wow, i'd really love a peach right now', you can get one from your house--not from Chile. Jam, jar, freeze, dehydrate--I don't care how you do it. The 'how' is entirely up to you. Here, I've chopped and frozen about 100 peaches for the winter, so that when it's february and i've forgotten what a peach even looks like, I can toss some in a smoothie! Genius right?

As an aside, I think we all need to be ants in general. The way the world lives right now is very grasshopper-like. We're all like, 'I don't care, I do what I WANT!' *said in Eric Cartman voice* and while okay (?) in the short term, in the long term we are... well... mega fucked. Unless we change, that is. Anyway, lecture over.

Challenge 12: Be radical. Coming up are some amazing chances to put your actions where your mouth is. We have Moving Planet, Ottawa Tar Sands Action, and Climate Reality The challenge this week is to check this stuff out, and get involved any way that you can. Not all of us are willing to be arrested. But that doesn't mean we can't spread the word. That doesn't mean the game is over. That doesn't mean we can't make a difference. We all have facebook, twitter, and cell phones. Everyone tell 5 people. And they will tell 5 people. Whatever, you get the idea. But sitting around is no longer an option.

Okay that's all for this week. Sorry if I was a little snarky this week, but it's been a rough week. I was called a freak more than once this week, and words do hurt sometimes--I'd take the sticks and stones at this point. But as Sergeant Lincoln Osiris would say: 'SURVIVE'. Or as Alfred would say, "Endure."

*big hugs*

<3 Manicpanic

Ps. As always, comment/post/share/send carrier pidgeons to get the word out about the blog!

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