So, I'm going to eschew my usual 'the world is ending but by all means keep doing what you're doing' lecture his week. Believe me, I'd love to lecture everyone, but I'm tired and wouldn't be able to set my dial to full rage--so it wouldn't be worth it. Instead, I'll give everyone some nice challenges. Challenges are good. We're all going to need life skills, we're all going to need to be able to take care of ourselves and each other. And, we're all going to need one another, whether we like it or not.
Challenge 40: Learn to cook. The more we are able to grow/cook our own food, the more local we can be, the more we can resist total corporate power by simply never going into a Wal Mart or a grocery store for food. So, for this weeks challenge, get a recipe book (don't buy it-that's what libraries are for) and cook a recipe. From food that's IN SEASON. Okay? Done.
The reason for my local fervor this will is this article: (Galen Weston is a dink ) where Galen Weston, a billionaire who owns a 9 billion dollar food chain/bank and a man who essentially entirely controls Canada's corporate food supply, said that he is worried that a farmer's market poses health risks. This world needs about a zillion more small farmers, and for industrial agriculture to essentially cease. So, basically the total opposite of what this douche things. He'll pay. MARK ME.
Challenge 41: Become more involved in your community. I have been fortunate to meet some super cool people these past couple of weeks. People who share similar views to me, and people who are also working towards acquiring self sufficiency skills. Needless to say, meeting like minded people has been wonderful, and I wish that wonder on all of you. Go out and find people who are helping the green cause, not people on TV who daily seek to destroy it.
Okay, well that's all. Once again, perhaps I will be more chipper next week.
<3 games