Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Apathy is unacceptable

Apathy: (also called impassivity or perfunctoriness) is a state of indifference, or the suppression of emotions such as concern, excitement, motivation and passion. An apathetic individual has an absence of interest in or concern about emotional, social, spiritual, philosophical or physical life.

This post is a lecture. So, you know, you've been warned.

I think a huge reason that we don't see any change on the environmental front is because, as a culture, us North Americans are highly apathetic. We just... don't care. We don't. We are more concerned with our own lives, our stuff, our successes, failures, debts, surpluses, etc.

The problem is that our choices have world ending, people killing consequences in other parts of the world. They do, there isn't really any way around it. The decadence of the first world is paid for directly by the destruction of the third world--that's just kinda how it is.

Now, I don't want to say this to make people feel bad. When people feel like they are being attacked they tend to just go 900% in the opposite direction just to spite you--and if you think people aren't that self destructive and childish--you're wrong, they totally are (I do stuff like that too, but mainly with personal advice). So, understanding our limits should help to spread the message. Not of doom, but of a need to change hastily and effectively.

You don't have to change 100% overnight. Just start small. Plant a garden, get informed, sign a petition here, eat a higher percentage of local food there, and you'll be surprised how fast it all adds up.

However, the one thing that is not acceptable is apathy. The one thing that isn't acceptable is sitting there, shrugging your shoulders, and saying, "well, it didn't directly happen to me, so I don't care". This is wrong for 2 reasons:
1. Indifference makes everything 900 times worse.
2. It is affecting you, you just don't think it is. Let's say you pay federal taxes (as most of us lowly 99% do). Well, a startlingly high percentage of your taxes are being used to subsidize soy/corn production for feedlot animals, and also being used to subsidize fossil fuels. These companies, then take your money, invest it in offshore accounts so they don't pay taxes, remove American jobs to other places, and poison the water, air, & land.

I understand most people aren't as angry as I am. I'm a pretty angry person, in general. But not being upset that this stuff is happening, being apathetic, is simply unacceptable.

That's all for me this week. I'll probably post later in the week with some more challenges, so stay tuned.

And, just to get you in the proper spirit, I leave you with the end of Percy B. Shelley's "Masque of Anarchy":

"Rise like Lions after slumber 
In unvanquishable number, 
Shake your chains to earth like dew 
Which in sleep had fallen on you- 
Ye are many — they are few"

<3 ManicPanic 

Friday, January 27, 2012

The Bitch is Back

Hello all my lovelies,

I felt like posting today so here goes! I'm just going to do some updates on important projects & events, and then give you some green challenges. That's it! Easy peasy!


Keystone XL: Obama, in a rare form of possessing testicles, rejected the Keystone XL pipeline about a week ago. And then, in his State of the Union address, stressed the importance of ending fossil fuel subsidies and pushing forward towards a cleaner energy future. Greens reacted with mixed reviews to the SOTU address (due to his Ode to Fracking section) but in general were pretty impressed. Which is good. Now, after the rejection of the Keystone XL pipeline, the GOP and House Republicans literally pissed themselves with rage and threatened to cockblock (typo and it stays) any and all legislation that Obama puts forward from now on forever. He could want to pass a "Feed the adorable babies with our love" bill, and the Republicans will oppose it. Because they are whiny, 3 year old children who have no intention of doing their job ever and are only angered by the rejection of the pipeline because everyone who opposed it is PERSONALLY RECEIVING ENDLESS AMOUNTS OF FUNDING from Big Oil. They don't want their toys taken away. I suppose I'd piss myself too--if I was 2 years old.

The lowdown: Basically it's all bullshit. Big Oil receives a %5800 investment return on every dollar they spend in congress in lobbying money. That isn't a typo--it's %5800 return on their money. So, essentially, they own Congress. And they REALLY own all the Republican representatives. They don't vote based on what constituents want--they vote based on what the money says to do. And the money is all oil money. The good news? People are becoming aware that this is happening. People are starting to realize that Chevron dictates their health care policies, and BP dictates their school funding. And they don't like it--whatsoever. Which is good, for the planet, for it's inhabitants, and for a justice system that is sorely, sorely broken in many many places.

What to do? Go to http://www.tarsandsaction.org/ and sign up for their emails--they update regularly (more regularly than this blog, *sigh*), and they are always on the move with new action!

Now, a little closer to home.

The Gatineau River: Despite overwhelming protests to the contrary, the septic sludge plant (using technology from the 50's. Once again, not a typo) is still on target. The outrage, however, continues to grow--approaching riots and arrests. If this ever makes the mainstream Canadian news (unlikely, as most of it is--just like everywhere else--corporate influenced) I think people will be even more outraged. There is a great outrage stirring in this province, especially in rural areas. Quite bluntly, they've been dicked around too long by everyone, and pretty soon they are going to start fighting back. This province doesn't need more development. At all. Whatsoever. Ever. We already have way too many people. What it needs is to start SERIOUSLY protecting agricultural and natural land. The first step in building this plant and destroying the river is having the land re-zoned from agricultural to industrial. This needs to not be happening anywhere ever. Especially not in an area as beautiful and as untouched as this. Additionally, the morons who want this septic sludge tank are also petitioning to have SEVEN active and industrial gravel pits open up in the same area. This are was voted the cleanest water and most beautiful water way IN CANADA. WHY THE EVER LOVING FUCK ARE WE PUMPING SEPTIC SLUDGE AND GRAVEL PITS THROUGH IT. It's, once again, a disgusting display of the lax nature of Canadian mining/natural resource & environmental laws that MUST change.

What to do? Visit http://savethegatineau.com/ and sign the petition. Want to do more? Get in contact with the people who run the site (the rule) or get a call list and start pestering the morons who are proposing this thing.

Okay, I'll do more updates next time as all this updating has made me so rageful.

Challenge 39: Fight the corporate machine. Don't worry, this one is easy. Just don't buy anything from a corporation 1 day a week. Next month, make it 2 days. Etc. Obviously, sometimes, even if we really don't want to, we have necessities that can only be bought from corporations. These clearly don't count. But in general, just avoid them. Now, I warn you right now, you probably won't. Not that you won't WANT to, it's just really damn hard. Our whole lives are determined by marketing departments. But, what you CAN do is: buy local whenever you can, buy seasonal, support local businesses for services, and spread awareness of the total corporate takeover of our lives. Okay, challenge issued. Oh, and corporations are the most un green things who have ever lived, so that's why this is a challenge.

Challenge 40: Start planning the garden. Now, I don't care if you are doing a huge home lawn to garden renovation (*cough* I am *cough*) or you live in a tiny house/apartment and just want to grow tomatoes in a container. Either is cool! Just start planning: what space do I have? What can I grow in that space? What would go best in my location? etc. Get on it!

Okay, that's all for now. Hopefully I'll update Monday!

<3 Manic Panic

(Ps. I am starting my own blog, with more personal, more local things in it. Stay tuned. And obvi I will continue to write for Lorax, but my posts here tend to be very angry and activism focused lol.)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

It continues

Sorry, in no mood to post again this week. If you have any posts send them my way and I'll put them up, but I'm in 0 mood to write anything but depressing, rageful rants right now and those help no one.


Wednesday, January 11, 2012


No post again this week. Life is still rather unmanageable. Perhaps next week?

Monday, January 2, 2012

19th Nervous Breakdown

Hello my darlings,

I am afraid I don't have any challenges for you all this week. I'm having a mini crisis and I'm taking the week off the blog for health reasons. No worries, I'll be fine. The holidays just take their toll :D

I'll be back (hopefully) next week with more about Riot for Austerity, Green Challenges, New Years Resolutions, Peak Oil Realities, Off Grid living, and many, many other wonderful things. I've (once again, hopefully) got some good stuff lined up for our 2012 year--and don't worry I'm still as pissed off and enraged as ever *wink*.

Hope you had a wonderful New Year! (I did not, at all, see above lol)



Ps. Fun fact of the day: Where I live used to be a 100% forest (we are the bottom of what was once an enormous lake). What remains of the forest today? 15%. Where did all that land go? Well, before it went to small farms, which I have much less issue with. Especially since many of them were orchards which take on a lot of carbon sequestering of their own. However, now the trees (that had been replaced with food) have been placed with designed yuppie homes and wineries. If I was Oprah rich, I'd tear down the lot of it, replant the forests (at least up to 75%), and leave the rest to small farmers with permaculture establishments so that the people who live here don't need strawberries from fucking California. But I digress. You can't argue with stupid. And by stupid I mean economists.